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How to Backwash Sand Filters

How to Backwash sand filter

All sand filters require periodic backwash to remove debris from the filter sand and keep filter back pressure not too high in order to maintain good water circulation.

When the filter multiport valve (MPV) handle is turned to backwash, this sends the water in the reverse direction through the filter and then to waste. During the backwash cycle, watch the sight glass and continue the backwash until the water flowing to the drain runs clear then turn off the pump.

It is recommended that sand filters should be backwashed according to the following timetable or whenever the filter pressure is high.


 - Summer - Backwash every 2-4 weeks

 - Winter   - Backwash every 4 -6 weeks


Operate the MPV handle in the following sequence to complete a backwash cycle


  1. Turn Pump off, then turn the handle to BACKWASH, turn the pump on for about  2  minutes

  2. Turn pump off, then turn the handle to RINSE, turn the pump on for about 30 seconds

  3. Turn pump off, then turn the handle to FILTER, turn the pump on – that completes the whole backwash cycle


It is important that every time you turn the handle of the filter, you must stop the pump first.


If you require further assistance, don't hesitate to call, email or visit us in store.

Tel: 9482 3167


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